التسجيل بمنح الدراسة في بريطانيا 2024

التسجيل بمنح الدراسة فِي بريطانيا 2024

Undergraduate Ellison Scholars Projects

The innovation projects aim to solve global problems through technology and are at the centre of gravity for both EIT and the Ellison Scholars programme. The programme is looking to find outstandingly talented people who have the skills and abilities to contribute significantly to specific projects within our humane endeavours. Exact projects will be determined when students enter the programme.

Undergraduate Ellison Scholars will work on a project year-round, alongside their university studies, and full-time during much of the University’s long vacation (i.e. the summer break). Working shoulder-to-shoulder with world-leading experts to solve real-world problems through technology whilst studying for a fully-funded undergraduate degree at one of the top universities in the world is what sets this scholarship programme apart.

The projects would benefit from skills in computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematics and statistics, robotics, plant sciences, machine learning, chemistry and chemical engineering, biology and molecular biology, engineering, physics / nuclear physics, medicine, and microbiology. This list is not exhaustive and any candidates with skillsets and ambitions aligned with EIT’s humane endeavours are welcome to apply.

More information can be found under the Selection Criteria tab to help you assess alignment with our programme. Our application form and process will ask you to demonstrate how you meet our criteria, why you are a good fit for this programme, your chosen humane endeavour and associated project.

الاعلان بالعربي

رابط التقديم

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يستفيد سنويا من منصتنا أكثر من 25 مليون زائر وزائرة من جميع الفئات العمرية .
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men-gov.com est une plate-forme indépendante complète et moderne qui suit le rythme de tous les sujets d’enseignement, d’orientation et d’éducation, ainsi que des offres d’emploi au Maroc, et comprend également un ensemble de services et de méthodes éducatives qui simplifient et expliquent les choses qui répondent aux besoins de l’étudiant, du professeur, du directeur et du chercheur d’emploi, privé ou public, Il est à noter que cette plateforme n’est pas reliée au ministère de l’Éducation nationale, et de la Formation professionnelle et de la Recherche scientifique, et à tout autre institution.
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